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For All Seasons’ Survivor Quilt Project
For All Seasons’ Survivor Quilt Project
Conversations about sexual assault should be a part of our everyday interactions with our colleagues, family, and community. It is a message to be continued beyond April, recognized as Sexual Assault Awareness Month. During For All Seasons’ Denim Day Event in April, staff presented the agency’s “Survivor’s Quilt” project. The quilts are to be included as part of the “Comfort Kits” given to survivors of rape and sexual assault. The “Survivor’s Quilt” was signed by residents of the community and the Board of Director’s and staff of For All Seasons with messages of support. The vision was to include inspirational messages and pictures as a symbol of wrapping the survivor with support during the healing process. Stella Lee Coulbourne, Director of Sexual Assault Programming at For All Seasons and Denae Spiering, For All Seasons’ Event Coordinator donated time for this cause by sewing the quilts together. Many thanks go to Erica Batson, Executive Assistant at For All Seasons, for ensuring we had all the supplies needed to have this project come to reality for For All Seasons’ clients.
Staff will continue this project throughout the year by having the “Survivor Quilt” available during For All Seasons’ outreach events for people to write inspirational messages or drawings. If you are interested in having your agency make a “Survivor Quilt” in support of the survivor’s healing process, please email Stella Lee Coulbourne at
Pictured are completed Survivor’s Quilts completed by For All Season staff.