In the News

No Matter What You Matter
For All Seasons kicks off Mental Health Awareness Week and the launch of their new suicide prevention campaign, NO MATTER WHAT…YOU MATTER
Easton’s business community is support Mental Health Awareness Week by donating a portion of their sales on specific dates during Mental Health Awareness Week.
Thank you to the following Easton businesses
Bon Mojo
Chef and Shower
Colonial Jewelers
of Easton
Easton Bowl
Harrison’s Wines
and Liquors
Kiln Born Creations
La De Da
Levity Thu
Lizzie Dee
Marc | Randall
Nestled Baby & Child
Out of the Fire
Rise Up Coffee
Trade Whims
Vintage Books and Fine Arts F
Additional Sponsors include:
Ashley Insurance
Bartlett Pear Inn
Choptank River Big Band
Doc’s Downtown Grille
Easton Business Alliance
Easton Pizzaria
Hair of the Dog
Laser Letters
Talbot Mentors
Tidewater Inn
Ed & Beth Anne Langrell
Diane Flagler
Mary Wittemann & David Urbani
Westphal Jewelers
For All Seasons has started a new suicide prevention campaign,
No Matter What . . . You Matter.
Music touches everyone and words in songs can be particularly powerful. In the case of For All Seasons, hearing the soundtrack of the Tony Award winning Broadway musical, “Dear Evan Hansen,” touched the core of the organization’s mission of “Restoring lives and transforming communities.”
This past spring, Amy Haines and Richard Marks’ Dock Street Foundation invited 40 representatives from several Talbot County service agencies and educational institutions to board a bus bound for NYC to see Ben Platt and the cast of “Dear Evan Hansen.” Both Haines and Marks had seen the play and felt it would be helpful if shared with our local providers of care. They noted, “We were moved and inspired by the relevance and impact of the show particularly as it incorporated social media’s influence on our society and youth. We appreciate For All Season’s leadership and coordination with all agencies in our community assisting our citizens facing mental and emotional challenges.”
Beth Anne Langrell, executive director of For All Seasons, adds, “It was an amazing opportunity to see a show and spend the day with so many people who are working day in and day out to better the lives of the youth in our community. The musical, which centers around the suicide of a high school student, really hits home about what it’s like to be a millennial or any person struggling to find their way. One song in particular, ‘You Will Be Found’ had a lasting impact of several of us attending. The song shares the life of young man who is watching life happen around him, but never finds a space where he believes he fits in…he struggles to see that he matters and that even at his darkest moments, someone is there to ‘find him’.”
Langrell shares that returning from the show she knew that Richard and Amy’s gift could last much more than just one day. She thought it offered an opportunity to reach students and those in the community in the same way that the show reached everyone on the trip that day. It was then that For All Seasons decided to begin a new campaign and start a conversation about suicide prevention. The agency’s new campaign will be called No Matter What . . . You Matter.
According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) every 13 minutes someone dies by suicide. Suicide does not discriminate, affecting people of all genders, ages, and ethnicities. Many different factors may contribute to someone making a suicide attempt. For All Seasons hopes that by discussing the signs and symptoms associated with suicide that it can raise awareness about the issue in our community. Because family and friends are often the first to recognize the warning signs of suicide, they can be critical to helping an individual find treatment with a provider who specializes in diagnosing and treating mental health conditions.
For All Seasons wants people to know that If they think a friend or family member is considering suicide, they should reach out and start a conversation. Talking openly about suicidal thoughts and feelings can save a life. The following are three steps to help people begin the conversation:
- Ask directly – “Are you having suicidal thoughts?” – Let them know you care.
- Stay and Listen – Let them share their thoughts and feelings.
- Get help – Connect them with a friend, family member or crisis hotline. (For immediate crisis support call the Eastern Shore Crisis Response Hotline at 1-888-407-8018.)
Langrell adds, “The launch of our campaign, No Matter What . . . You Matter will create an ongoing dialogue with agencies and educators who attended the musical, as well as others who are interested in joining the conversation about this growing issue in our community. The campaign will include dialogue circles, educational outreach and community events. We want people to know that no matter what, they matter.