In the News

Meet the For All Seasons Board
Pictured above from the top left clockwise: Gail Aveson, Diane Flagler – Secretary, Shavonte Lewis-Sisco, Tom Mendenhall – Treasurer, Pamela Ortiz – Chair, Larry Porter, Leslie Sea – Vice Chair, James “Jake” Worm.
For All Seasons Board of Directors is a small, but mighty board of eight members who work tirelessly to promote the work of For All Season across the Mid-Shore. We thought you might like to meet the members of the board and learn why they serve.
Gail Aveson of St. Michaels is a retired educator of 40 years. She continues to hold her LCPC license and is certified through NCC. She teaches voice lessons and sings whenever she can. She also loves to kayak and walk.
“I choose to be on the board of For All Seasons because everyone has a voice. For All Seasons also lessens the pain and trauma that many people experience during their lifetime. Mental health is so important.”
Diane Flagler of Easton is part-owner of La De Da, a women’s boutique in Easton which opened in October 2006. She has served on the Board of For all Seasons almost continuously since 2007. In 2016, she was named Volunteer of the year at FAS. She was also on the Board of the Miles River Sail and Power Squadron, which was devoted to boating safety and education, as well as taught hundreds of 7th graders in Talbot County untrained CPR, boating first aid, and how to use an AED. She began the first All Night Graduation Party at Easton High School in 1985.
“My focus has always been on health, fitness, and helping others. Nothing could be more impactful to helping others than mental health and rape crisis. We all need a helping hand at some point in our lives, and making sure that a resource like FAS is there for all of us is very important to me.”
Shavonte (Shay) Lewis-Sisco of Cambridge works for the Workforce Development (Maryland Department of Labor). She is a member of For All Seasons Governance Committee and Community Advocacy Committee, the Dorchester County Public Schools Parent Engagement Committee, and the Sandy Hill Elementary Parent Advisory Council. Her other volunteer activities include networking, inspirational speaking, community advocacy, serving as a Chesapeake College Student Liaison Volunteer, and hosting candid crucial community conversations. She also enjoys spending time with her family.
“I serve on the For All Seasons board to learn more about the governance, as well as to support the agency staff/be a voice for the community. For years that has been a social stigma about mental health and rape crisis in the community. I believe that the awareness and education are needed to help the community to be open to discuss and seek out supportive services.”
Tom Mendenhall of St. Michaels is retired from doing business consulting and educational advocacy for students with special needs. He serves on the Episcopal Diocese of Easton as Chair, Camp Wright Committee; Member, Board of Managers; Member, Standing Committee; and Member, Financial Sustainability Task Force. He also serves on the Christ Church – St. Michael’s Parish as Chair of the Finance Committee. His hobbies are reading, traveling, and fly fishing.
“I believe I am able to bring “business thinking” to the agency, particularly as it has rebuilt itself managerially and financially over the last two years. The need to provide mental/behavioral health services is paramount as so many of even our local society’s problems require assistance in the form of counseling. Nowhere is counseling and assistance more urgently needed than in the case of sexual abuse and assault.”
Pamela Ortiz of Chestertown is an attorney with the Maryland Judiciary, where she is the Director for Access to Justice. She leads a team of attorneys and professionals who enhance access to the Maryland courts for all, including those who do not have an attorney, and who develop resources to help the public navigate the Maryland courts and solve legal problems. Her team also operates the court’s language services programs, including the statewide Court Interpreter Program.
She serves on the Board of Directors of Kent Attainable Housing, a Kent County non-profit organization that is breaking the generational cycle of poverty by building or renovating affordable houses and partnering with low-income, working families to prepare for and buy a home. She also serves on the Maryland Access to Justice Commission. She has been a singer-songwriter and performing musician for many years. (
“I am proud to serve with an organization that provides mental health treatment and trauma support for all regardless of ability to pay. None of us gets to select what we have to deal with in this world, and when a member of our community is suffering or struggling, access to quality mental health treatment should be a right – available to all. We can only be a strong and healthy community when each of us has the help and support we need. I am incredibly proud of the dedicated professional and support staff who have chosen to dedicate their work to the clients of For All Seasons.”
Larry Porter of Denton is semi-retired, having operated Cabell Corporation, a Real Estate Development and Management Company for over 30 years. He is currently serving his third term as a Caroline County Commissioner and is currently President of the Commission. He says he is an avid, but not very good, golfer. He is also a Life Member and past President of the Denton Volunteer Fire Company.
I have agreed to serve on the For All Seasons board because I strongly believe in the mission of the organization to provide avenues and access to mental health and crisis counseling.
Leslie Sea of Chestertown is General Manager/Radio Personality at Hometown Multimedia, LLC/WCTR Radio. She is 3rd Vice President, Chestertown Lions Club, serves on the Executive Board, Bayside H.O.Y.A.S., and volunteers to help with the Chestertown Rotary Club events. Her hobbies include gardening, carpentry, sewing, and general creative home projects.
“I serve on the For All Season board because I feel everyone deserves a voice and an opportunity to heal regardless of their ability to pay. Everyone deserves the opportunity to be whole and For All Seasons is a safe and nurturing place where everyone can.”
James “Jake ” Worm of Preston is an attorney. His hobbies include hunting and antique automobiles.
“I am a native of Caroline County and have a law practice on Talbot County and feel that For All Seasons provides an invaluable resource to both Talbot and Caroline Counties and feel it is important to advocate for the organization collectively.”