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Collaborative Problem Solving: Community Presentation
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For All Seasons hosted Dr. Stuart Ablon, the founder and director of Think: Kids in the Department of Psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hospital, who presented a lecture, “Changeable: How Collaborative Problem Solving Can Help Anyone Change at Home, at School, and at Work” to a record crowd on November 14, 2019, at Temple B’nai Israel in Easton.
Based on more than 25 years of clinical work with some of the most challenging populations (juvenile offenders, convicted criminals, and other institutionalized individuals), as well as training teachers, police officers, and other professionals, Ablon presented a new way of thinking about solving our most vexing behavioral problems – and practical advice to put the ideas into practice.
Ablon’s premise is that we are all changeable and that skills determine behavior, not will.
The approach can be applied in any school, home, or workplace. The For All Seasons staff have benefited from extensive training in this method to support the work being done with clients and to strengthen relationships at home and within the agency.
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