In the News

No Matter What… 2018 Campaign Kick Off Events
For All Seasons’ NO MATTER WHAT . . . YOU MATTER Suicide Prevention Campaign was inspired by the soundtrack of the Tony Award winning Broadway musical, “Dear Evan Hansen,” which increased awareness about how prevalent suicide is in our nation.
Last fall, this campaign debuted in Easton in conjunction with Mental Health Awareness Week and as part of Easton’s First Friday stroll through the local galleries and shops, partnering with Easton Business Alliance. This year, For All Seasons is bringing this campaign back, as well as bringing it to Chestertown, partnering with its business community there and with Washington College to raise awareness around mental health and suicide prevention.
For All Seasons hopes through this campaign to create an ongoing dialogue with agencies about this growing issue in our communities. The campaign will include dialogue circles, educational outreach and community events. She adds, “We want people to know that no matter what, they do matter.”
Friday, October 5, 2018
5:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Bartlett Pear Inn
28 S Harrison Street
Easton, MD 21601
Saturday, September 29, 2018
5:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Ortiz Studios
207 S Cross Street, #103
Chestertown, MD 21620
According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), every 13 minutes someone dies by suicide and for every suicide, 25 suicide attempts are made.
For All Seasons offers individual and group therapy, general, child and adolescent therapy, marriage and couples counseling, grief counseling, school-based mental health therapy, urgent care services, Rape Crisis Response, Rape Crisis Counseling and Support, 24-Hour English and Spanish Hotlines, and education and outreach programming. For further information about For All Seasons, call 410-822-1018. For the 24-Hour Crisis Hotline, call Toll-Free: 800-310-7273.