In the News

For All Seasons Grows Next Generation of Social Workers through Internship Program
For All Seasons has expanded its internship program to include a variety of high schools, colleges and universities. Undergraduate and graduate schools utilize For All Seasons for students who need clinical experiences in social work to meet the requirements of their programs. These hands-on experiences are preparing the next generation of social workers. This spring the agency has had eight interns: Amy Bennett, Brooke Christensen, Edwin Hernandez-Martinez, Jen Friedman, Hayley Hornfeck, Sandra Kidd, Lisa Petroske, and Kim Hurlock.
Beth Anne Langrell, CEO of For All Seasons, comments, “Being able to create a space for learning for our local high school, undergraduate or graduate students is such an important part of our role in the community. Not only do we get to be a part shaping a young professional’s experience, we also have created a pathway to hiring our graduate student interns at the agency once their degrees are complete. Of our graduate interns, 85 percent remain with us as full-time employees, which is so exciting for our team and the clients who we serve.”
Edwin Hernandez-Martinez, who is working on a bachelor’s degree in social work and psychology at Salisbury University, comments, “I have had a great experience working on the records management side of the agency and on the intake process. This has allowed me to deal with all ages at their most vulnerable times. Hearing different people’s stories has helped me interconnect with my textbook work from school. I have also learned a lot about listening skills. By listening on bilingual calls for the Spanish-speaking population, I have been able to learn about the issues they are facing in their community.”
Two of the interns, Amy Bennett and Brooke Christensen, are working on their graduate degrees and found that the agency offered a unique learning perspective for their programs. Bennett, who is finishing her master’s degree in social work at Liberty University, states, “My internship has been formative, enlightening, and invaluable as I grow into an identity as a clinical mental health counselor. I have also been privileged to see firsthand how the different threads at For All Seasons blend to create a beautiful tapestry of services. This is a group of people who collectively and individually have incredible hearts for the community.”
Brooke Christensen, A Master’s of Divinity Degree student at Wesley Theological Seminary, adds, “I have been able to get a wide lens look at large nonprofit serving different populations on the Mid Shore – form learning about human trafficking, to running the Latina Support Group, to writing grants – my experiences have been fascinating. I have been especially impressed by the culture of gratitude at For All Seasons, which is so important in an agency that has multiple offices serving five counties on the Mid Shore. Everyone is valued and included here.”
Caption: Pictured left to right are For All Seasons interns Amy Bennett and Brooke Christensen. Absent from the photo are interns Edwin Hernandez-Martinez, Jen Friedman, Hayley Hornfeck, Sandra Kidd, Lisa Petroske, and Kim Hurlock.