In the News

Chestertown pr

For All Seasons Office Moves to New Location in Chestertown

For All Seasons is excited to announce that its office in Chestertown has moved to a new location at 315 High Street, Suite 202. The agency is hosting an open house on March 20 from 4:30 to 6 p.m. for the public to meet the office staff and learn more about its expanded services. Tours of the new space and refreshments will be offered. For All Seasons will be able to increase its capacity with a new, larger office in downtown Chestertown. In addition, beginning March 24 the agency will be able to offer its Open Access™ program – a walk-in mental health service with same-day access to appointments – something new in Kent County. The hours in Chestertown for Open Access are Mondays from 2 to 3 p.m.

“This exciting initiative ties into our new ‘Mental Health on Main Street’ initiative where we bring our services to main streets across the Mid-Shore, making our services walkable for people living in our towns and cities. We have already implemented this initiative with our offices in Denton and Easton and hope to offer a new office location soon in Cambridge as well,” states Beth Anne Dorman, President & CEO of For All Seasons.

“Delivering mental health services to rural areas can be challenging with transportation barriers. We are particularly appreciative of our funding from the Rural Maryland Prosperity Improvement Fund (RMPIF) from the Rural Maryland Council which is enabling us to expand our offices in Kent and Dorchester counties to create larger service hubs that bring mental health and victim support services to remote, outlying areas that are mental healthcare deserts,” she adds.

The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funds administered by the Town of Chestertown have also funded For All Seasons’ ability to move and expand its Kent County office to bring in-person Open Access™ to its Chestertown office and to serve more Kent County residents. The Consortium on Coordinated Community Supports from the Maryland Community Health Resources Commission has funded For All Seasons’ ability to expand its school-based and community-based care, early intervention, and prevention strategies for Kent County youth.

For further information and to register to attend the Open House, visit

For All Seasons provides the highest quality mental health and victim services to children, adults, and families across the Mid-Shore and throughout the state of Maryland. Services are offered in both English and Spanish and include therapy, psychiatry, victim advocacy, 24-hour crisis hotlines, outreach, and community education. For information about For All Seasons walk-in hours, contact For All Seasons at 410-822-1018 or visit

Caption: Client services welcomes new client to For All Seasons’ new office location in Chestertown.