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For All Seasons Announces New Board Members
For All Seasons announced the appointment of Giovanni Wynn of Cambridge and Carl Pergler of Easton as the newest members of its Board of Directors.
Wynn currently works for Talbot County Public Schools. For the past six years, she has worked in education and enjoys every moment spent helping children learn. She also enjoys spending time with her husband and three children at the beach or watching a baseball game. She volunteers regularly with her children’s sports teams, in their schools, and in the community.
“I chose to join the For All Seasons Board of Directors because I truly believe that taking care of your mental health is of the utmost importance for everyone. I believe in the mission and purpose of For All Seasons and all the wonderful events and opportunities the organization offers our community,” she comments.
“I also believe that everyone needs someone to talk to when they are struggling with their mental health and traumatic events in their lives. I want to continue to help our community find and utilize the services that For All Seasons offers. It is always ok to ask for help and I love being part of an organization that can offer solutions.”
Pergler is a retired executive from the U.S. Federal Government Office of Intergovernmental/External Affairs, Center for Substance Abuse Prevention, SAMHSA, Health and Human Services after spending nearly 30 years in administrative and management positions at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and related agencies. Since then, he has consulted and assisted with the start-up of several small companies. He has served on several boards of directors and volunteered for many civic organizations. He served for 21 years in the US Coast Guard Auxiliary, is a lifelong tennis player and sailor, and has traveled extensively.
“I have been particularly impressed by For All Seasons’ growth and success in serving the Eastern Shore community, and leadership in providing mental health services and innovation in their approach. They have been nationally recognized for their success and hailed as a model for other communities and organizations,” Pergler shares.
For All Seasons provides the highest quality mental health and victim services to children, adults, and families across the Mid-Shore and throughout the state of Maryland. Services are offered in both English and Spanish and include therapy, psychiatry, victim advocacy, 24-hour crisis hotlines, outreach, and community education. For information about For All Seasons walk-in hours, contact For All Seasons at 410-822-1018 or visit
#1: Carl Pergler of Easton
#2: Giovanni Wynn of Cambridge