
Board April 2021 scaled 1

Meet the For All Seasons Board

By Alli McAuley | April 16, 2021

Pictured above from the top left clockwise: Gail Aveson, Diane Flagler – Secretary, Shavonte Lewis-Sisco, Tom Mendenhall – Treasurer, Pamela Ortiz – Chair, Larry Porter, Leslie Sea – Vice Chair,…


Melissa’s Story –A Message of Hope in the Face of Depression and Suicide

By Alli McAuley | December 16, 2020

Melissa decided that it is time to share her story. She hopes by opening up and by paying it forward she will help others to understand that no matter the…

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Beth Anne Langrell Appointed to Maryland Commission on Women

By Alli McAuley | August 4, 2020

We are pleased to share that our own Beth Anne Langrell has been appointed to the Commission, serving a four-year term. The Maryland Commission for Women works with Maryland State…

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For All Seasons Participates in Oxford Picket Fence Project

By Alli McAuley | August 4, 2020

We are pleased to announce that local artist Kevin Garber of St. Michaels (husband of our grants writer Kathy Bosin) has painted a picket fence for the Oxford Business Association’s…

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For All Seasons Adds Crisis Appointments for COVID-19

By Alli McAuley | August 4, 2020

Since the start of the pandemic, For All Seasons has taken on the needs of over 250 new clients and is accepting new clients at all locations for all services.…


The Importance of Active Listening

By Alli McAuley | July 2, 2020

With all of the challenges facing our communities today, active listening is more important than ever in helping us have successful conversations and improve our communication with one another. Active…

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Helping Seniors in Isolation During COVID-19

By Alli McAuley | July 2, 2020

Seniors are an especially vulnerable population during COVID-19, given their increased co-morbidities. They often feel stressed and anxious due to the increased risk of not only contracting COVID but also…

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For All Seasons Grows Next Generation of Social Workers through Internship Program

By Alli McAuley | June 5, 2020

For All Seasons has expanded its internship program to include a variety of high schools, colleges and universities.  Undergraduate and graduate schools utilize For All Seasons for students who need…

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For All Seasons Debuts New Therapeutic Coloring Book

By Alli McAuley | June 5, 2020

Art therapist Jane Gordon, in collaboration with Dr. Lark Eshleman, has created a unique therapeutic coloring book, “Color Me Closer,” designed for people to color in pairs. This coloring book,…