Our Impact
Serving Our Community
Over the past year, For All Seasons provided over 50,000 services to over 3000 children, adults and seniors. Our clients are served in their language of origin through our Spanish-English interpreters and through on-demand interpretive services in any language. Everyone, regardless of language or walk of life, should have access to expert, life-saving mental health and sexual assault victim services.
For All Seasons has developed strong partnerships throughout the community, including law enforcement agencies, public schools, nonprofit organizations, and the for-profit business community. When a tragedy or traumatic event occurs, For All Seasons responds with trauma debriefings for those affected. Additionally, the agency serves as the Rape Crisis Center partner to local higher education institutions (Chesapeake College and Washington College) to ensure they meet the federal Title IX mandate, and is a partner with local Departments of Social Services and Child Advocacy Centers.
Through the CEO’s leadership on the Maryland Commission on Women, the Maryland Coalition Against Sexual Assault, and the Maryland Legislative Agenda for Women, For All Seasons supports mental health access statewide and engages in policy reform related to the delivery of mental health and victim support services. In 2016, Beth Anne Dorman and Maryland Delegate Jeff Ghrist co-authored a bill to decrease barriers to care that was later signed into law by Governor Larry Hogan.
In 2022, For All Seasons was recognized as a Rural Innovation Site by the national organization, Rural Justice Collaborative. Innovation Sites are identified for embodying innovative practices in rural communities. For All Seasons is one of only 19 Innovation Sites nationwide. As such, the agency is recognized as one of the country’s most innovative rural justice programs, selected to serve as models for other communities by the Rural Justice Collaborative Advisory Council. In the coming years, the agency's innovative practices will be studied and shared as a model of excellence.