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FAS EES Water Bottle 2021 2 scaled 2

For All Seasons Donates Water Bottles and Mental Health Conversation Starters to Easton Elementary School Families

For All Seasons recently donated 1100 water bottles with the message “Be Kind to Your Mind,” along with handouts with mental health conversation starters for families of Easton Elementary students. Because COVID-19 is still an issue, the school has implemented water bottle filling stations instead of water fountains, so each student is required to have his or her own bottle.

“At the end of last school year, many students were unable to bring their own water bottles to school, and we often had to use disposable bottles. We reached out to the community for reusable bottles and For All Seasons responded. We are very grateful to be starting out this new year with a bottle for every student. The tops are easy to twist off, and they are the perfect size for elementary school students,” states Lindsey Higginbottom, Assistant Principal at Easton Elementary School in Easton.

Since the beginning of a new school year is a great time to talk with students about the basics of mental health, For All Seasons has also created a tip sheet and conversation starter for teachers and families to use to improve communication and to identify and discuss feelings. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, about 1 in 7 kids, ages 5 to 15, will experience at least one “severe mental disorder.” That number climbs to 1 in 5 kids during the teen years (ages 13 -18).

“The transition into the school year can be an emotional time, especially for young people who have been out of the school setting due to COVID. Beginning and continuing conversations with young people about well-being shows them that it’s good to acknowledge their feelings and seek help when they need it. We want teachers and parents to know we are a resource for them when they need mental health support. We hear a lot about physical health, keeping our bodies healthy and strong, but mental health is just as important. There are things we can do to ‘be kind to our minds’ and we have shared these tips on the handout,” states Lauren Weber, Vice President of Philanthropy and Education.

“One of the tips we share is that our thoughts can help or hurt us, depending on what we’re thinking. Part of being ‘kind to your mind’ is treating yourself as kindly as you would a friend. That’s also the slogan on the water bottles we donated.”Lisa Devaric, Principal at Easton Elementary School, adds, “Coming off the pandemic, our students have not been able to interact with their peers as usual. To help them transition, Easton Elementary is embracing conscious discipline and daily class meeting time to discuss well-being and practice mindfulness. The ‘Be Kind to Your Mind’ bottles and handouts fit right into our focus on social and emotional skills. The conversation starters are perfect for both early and upper elementary school students.”

Caption: For All Seasons Donates Water Bottles and Provides Mental Health Conversation Starters to Easton Elementary School Families. Pictured left to right are Lindsey Higginbottom, Assistant Principal at Easton Elementary School in Easton; student Eri Chun-Mendez, Katie Theeke, Vice President of Marketing and Communication at For All Seasons; Lisa Devaric, Principal at Easton Elementary School; student Wesler Chun-Mendez, and Lauren Weber, Vice President of Philanthropy and Education at For All Seasons.