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For All Seasons Offers Water Bottles with a Mental Health Message
Caption: Pictured is a student at Kennard Elementary School, one of several elementary schools on the Mid-Shore where For All Seasons staff delivered “Be Kind to Your Mind” water bottles and conversation starters for students and their teachers.
According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), about 1 in 7 children, ages 5 to 15, will experience at least one “severe mental disorder.” That number climbs to 1 in 5 children during the teen years, ages 13 to 18. We hear a lot about physical health and keeping our bodies healthy and strong, but mental health is just as important. We can do things to “be kind to our minds.”
At the end of the school year, For All Seasons reached out to area elementary schools on the Mid-Shore providing “Be Kind to Your Mind” water bottles, along with a conversation starter for parents and teachers to help them discuss mental health. This year, bottles were delivered to Chapel Elementary School, Preston Elementary School, Federalsburg Elementary School, Sandy Hill Elementary School, Centreville Elementary School, and Kennard Elementary School.
It was perfect timing at the end of the school year to share this mental health message with students and their families as they prepare for summer. Summer break is a great time to discuss mental health and wellness and we are providing the tools for families to do that,” states Jonathan Qvarnstrom, Marketing, and Outreach Associate at For All Seasons.
Some of the tips in the conversation starter included:
·      Positive thinking is one big way we can “be kind to our minds.”
·      Being “kind to your mind” also means naming your feelings & sharing them with people you trust.
·      Being mentally healthy does not mean being happy all of the time.
·      Treat yourself as kindly as you would a friend.
Susan D. Klepper, M Ed., School Counselor at Kennard Elementary School, adds, “The Kennard Elementary School students were thrilled to receive their brand-new water bottles! The timing was perfect because it was field day, so they had plenty of refreshment during their time outdoors. Students enjoyed the “Be Kind to Your Mind” activities shared by For All Seasons and appreciated this amazing donation.”
For All Seasons is your community behavioral health and rape crisis center offering therapy, psychiatry, advocacy, and education to individuals and families, regardless of one’s ability to pay. For further information, visit