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For All Seasons Holds Events for Sexual Assault Awareness Month
For All Seasons Holds Events for Sexual Assault Awareness Month
For All Seasons, which is the only Rape Crisis Center on the Mid Shore, is holding several events in April for Sexual Assault Awareness Month to raise public awareness about sexual violence and educate communities on how to prevent it. Sexual violence happens in all communities. The month-long awareness activities will include exhibits and proclamations in all five counties on the Mid Shore and a community-wide Denim Day event on April 24.
The Rape Crisis Center at For All Seasons will be hosting exhibits at the following locations which will include information about how to responds to sexual assault and how the public can support rape survivors in our community through their project, “Comfort Kits.” The exhibits will be on display at the MRDC Head Start/Caroline County Library in Denton, Dorchester Public Library in Cambridge, Chesapeake College in Wye Mills, Washington College in Chestertown, the Kent Family Support Center in Chestertown, Haven Ministries in Centreville, Queen Anne County Public Schools/Judy Center in Centreville, and the Talbot County Free Library in Easton.
“Comfort Kits,” a project of For All Seasons Rape Crisis Center, is a way for For All Seasons Victim Advocates to bring comfort on every call to the hospital to support a victim of rape, sexual assault, abuse, or a traumatic experience. Because a victim’s clothing often needs to be left behind as evidence, each “Comfort Kit” includes a nice travel bag, basic clothing, footwear, and undergarments, personal hygiene items, a journal, and other items to return dignity, provide comfort and let them know someone cares. A special addition to the “Comfort Kits” is a sterling silver Hope Heart necklace, provided by Thomas’s Fine Jewelry in Cambridge, MD. Trade Whims in Easton is partnering with For All Seasons to provide the travel bags for the “Comfort Kits.” Any business that wishes to support the “Comfort Kits” should contact Stella Lee Coulbourne, For All Seasons Director of Sexual Assault Programming, at 410-822-1018.
Coulbourne comments, “Without this kit, the victim of a sexual assault would leave in a hospital gown. Our staff decided to prepare these kits to help return dignity, provide comfort, and let survivors know that someone cares.”
On Wednesday, April 24, at 12 noon at the Talbot County Court House Green, on Washington Street in Easton, For All Seasons will host its first community Denim Day event. Participants are encouraged to wear denim with a purpose on this day to show their support in ending sexual violence. Denim Day is an international day created 20 years ago after an Italian court overruled a rape conviction because the victim was wearing tight jeans. Wearing denim with a purpose on this day is way to protest the misconceptions and victim-blaming around sexual violence. A special treat from Rita’s will be served and a group photo taken. To register for this event, call 443-258-2130, visit or register at
For All Seasons’ 2019 sexual assault campaign focuses on the message “#metoo. We believe you.” The campaign is targeted at helping both men and women talk about this issue and to not be afraid to tell their stories about sexual assault. For All Seasons serves Caroline, Dorchester, Kent, Queen Anne, and Talbot counties. For All Seasons Rape Crisis Center offers certified sexual assault victim advocates; counseling and support groups, free and confidential services in English and Spanish, support in the hospital, police department, and court, and referrals to social and legal services. For All Seasons English Hotline is 1-800-310-RAPE (7273) and Spanish Hotline is 410-829-6143.
For All Seasons offers individual and group therapy, general, child and adolescent therapy, marriage and couples’ counseling, grief counseling, school-based mental health therapy, urgent care services, Rape Crisis Response, Rape Crisis Counseling and Support, 24-Hour English and Spanish Hotlines, and education and outreach programming. For further information about For All Seasons or make a donation, call 410-822-1018 or visit
Caption: Pictured is For All Seasons “Comfort Kits” is a project of For All Seasons Rape Crisis Center to bring comfort on every call to the hospital to support a victim of rape, sexual assault, abuse, or a traumatic experience.